
She picks up the telephone handset and begins pressing its button, a faint smile clearly discernable. There is a hint of gleeful anticipation in her movements. Raising her teacup to her lips, Lorna gently sips the piping hot contents. Then she places the cup back on the tray. Deftly she (more…)

Growing Roots

[This historical timeline of Lorna’s life is continued from Blessings. The entire series begins in Childhood.] A short ride on the Metro subway system dropped us into the heart of DC, the National Mall. Monday October 11, 1993 Ferry Flight Today has been a beautiful one in many ways. The weather has been (more…)

Hello, Hilliard!

Brown Road Kingdom Hall sign [This historical timeline of Lorna’s life is continued from Bonnie Scotland. The entire series begins in Childhood.] “The circuit overseer phoned. He said he doesn’t want to put any pressure on you. But he needs to have your answer by tomorrow.” Shock Memorial night, Friday, April 1, (more…)